How Art Improves Our Lives More Than You Think

You Need to Hang Some Art On Your Walls.

You Really Do.

When I was a little girl, I didn’t know that I would be responsible for people’s happiness. I thought I was just responsible for my own! Maybe kids, if I had kids. Or a dog. Definitely responsible for my dog’s happiness.

But as life goes on, and little me decides to be a big time artist — something shifts in the paradigm of supply. I’m not simply supplying myself (and my dog) with happiness… nope! I am creating art. I am wholly responsible for sparking happiness in other people, now. This is a weight I hadn’t fully considered when I decided I would be an artist — but a weight it is, and it’s mine to bear. Happily, I might add.


Listing the Top Reasons You Need Art in Your Life. Now.


Perhaps you can relate to my story:

When I was younger, I had the usual poster from The Little Mermaid or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on my walls. Those posters were up for years, and never changed. Not until we moved house. When we moved house, I didn’t have anything on my walls for the longest time!! I didn’t want to put my own art on my walls … and art was expensive, how could 13 year old me justify my meager allowance on a piece of art? I knew how other kids did it: It was in vogue to cut out things from magazines and make wall collages. It was affordable, it was in line with our interests… but it wasn’t something I thought of as very classy. Yes, I was a bit high brow for a teenager. Magazine cutouts and pinning them to walls seemed too pedestrian for my tastes. So what else could I decorate my wall with? Mirrors, you might say? Those are always a lovely way to open up a space! Hah. Little did I know, but I didn’t even have the blessing of a mirror for my room because, as I discovered when I was older, my mother eschewed ‘vanity’, and mirrors were something reserved solely for dressers …and wash basins. Go figure — that’s why I didn’t have any mirrors in my room! Some skewed interpretation of religious morality!

Fun fact? The first full length mirror I ever owned, I bought just this past year. Same with wallpaper. And frames. And it is so worth it.

My productivity skyrocketed. My mood lifted. The future looked brighter.

So as an artist, someone who feeds off of my environment for creativity and energy — I can whole heartedly admit that my well of energy overflowed once I created my own space. What did I do differently? Well, from having NOTHING — I now have a mood board, old barn wood shelves, taxidermized animals, tea set collections, and most importantly — ART. But art is not simply 2D. Art is in the print on our wallpaper — it is in the bouquet of flowers we arrange in our vase — and it is in the arrangement of our bookshelves or our bug collections. Art is a representation of US and who we ARE! It gets so complicated! That is why it is so important that we reflect ourselves in the space we spend our most time.

If you’re nerdy, have nerdy art! If you’re a Jane Austen fan, go full British with florals and prints of classical paintings! It is your life to beautify as you want it!

Art serves such a vital purpose to our lives -- it's an aspect of of self care that is so incredibly easy to include in our day to day but often goes unacknowledged. Don't sleep on this! Art is a reflection of who we are and who we want to be. Our space inspires us. Our surroundings give us energy. Art is a fundamental element of creating your perfect space.

But I have no room for art! Or do you?

Many times people will tell me that they don’t have any room on their walls for new art — but there is something fundamentally upsetting about that. What I think people forget is that we are very fluid and ever changing vessels — just as we shift, so do our interests and our goals! Our art on our walls should reflect that, or else it won’t be generating the positivity and inspiration it once did. Art serves a purpose until it no longer does. When that happens, and we find our soul being lit by something new — it is time to adopt the new.

Aesthetics can be very beautifully combined with the right art piece! Take this piece by EranFowler as an example. Vaporwave and owl fans, unite!

You can find this particular piece over on Eran’s S6 shop. Link is here.

So what are the benefits of surrounding ourselves with art and beautiful things that inspire us or encourage us? Let’s get down to it!

  1. Reflects a specific interest or specialty

  2. Color coordinates a room and can tie it all together

  3. Breaks up a space so walls are less dull and mundane

  4. Thought provoking subject matter in art is mentally stimulating

  5. Art can evoke an emotion you want to feel (happiness, sadness, whimsy)

  6. Art can remind you of a memory and make you feel it again

  7. Sometimes your jaw drops and you love a piece so much, it becomes a part of you

Those are seven reasons, but there are so many more! Trust me. It saddens me sometimes, because I look back at all the years in my childhood when I had a plain room with empty walls and no spark of individuality to show who I was, or who I wanted to be. My creativity has flourished so much since I embraced the art of being my own decorator. My own mood setter.

If you are looking for an excuse to purchase art for your home or office, look no further than this post. Your life is meaningful and sometimes we need a visual reminder of who we are so we don’t get lost during our day to day! Self care is SO IMPORTANT. Inspire yourself. Ground yourself. Let art be your waypost.

And if you are looking for such pieces of art, why not give my gallery a look over before you decide? You can find it right over HERE.

All the best, my loves!
Lothlenan (Andrea Tamme)